An Introduction

A view from Google of our homestead (near center) growing up. I grew up on a country road surrounded by cornfields. Life was pretty simple as a child: playing in our large yard; getting together with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents weekly; enjoying the creek that ran out back of my grandpa’s farm; mushrooming in the surrounding woods; or just playing basketball from dawn to dusk with friends in the tiny town where my aunt took care of my sister and I every day during the summer. It’s amazing how life transforms us; how everything changes but yet so much remains the same… I would describe most of my extended family as very conservative in their political views and lifestyle (though my parents were never very political), and growing up I adhered to those same ideals and values. I would argue vehemently with anyone who challenged my perspective (well...that hasn't changed). I was completely pro-death penalty, pro-gun, anti-welfare, ...