Staying Afloat

I am swimming in dark water, kicking furiously to keep my head above water but with arms like lead - so that above the surface it appears that I'm effortlessly staying afloat. Dramatic? Yes. But true? Also yes. Gotdamn, life can be hard AF. The breast cancer diagnosis hit me like a brick to the head. I knew I would very likely face the big C eventually, but I thought I had a good 15-20 years before then. Throughout this process I have hoped for the all clear. Instead... The abnormal mammogram - "it's likely nothing, we just want a better look" Then the next abnormal mammogram - "we still see something, so we want to make sure it's nothing to worry about" Then the biopsy - "it is still a very small percentage of tests that come back cancerous" And here we are. A diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS). Sure this is incredibly treatable and has a great prognosis, but it's still cancer. In the past week, I've met with a breast surgeon...