The Raging
I am adrift. Lost in a sea of rage and despair with only this tiny lifeboat to cling to. How do we keep going, knowing what we know? In a world gone mad, what do we do when faced with countless bodies - victims of the largest mass murder in history? People whose lives ended because of the careless and soulless greed of humanity? Not all killed by a single person or a small band of felons, but by an industry and society gone mad. The climate is changing. Our world is changing. In a real, physical way. And it's not slowing down any time in the foreseeable future. And as it's changing, life is already getting harder for millions of people around the world. Resources - food, water - are becoming more scarce. We say BLACK LIVES MATTER. But what are we doing about the fact that black and brown bodies are the first to be sacrificed to the gods of oil and coal and gas? We say HONOR THE TREATIES. But what are we doing to prevent the contamination of Native lands? What are we doing...