
I've been hiding from reality - unsuccessfully - for much too long. It turns out that the world doesn't get better just because you try and block out all of the horror. The runaway environmental disaster, the economic fallacy, the human-caused devastation of war - none of this goes away when you stop looking. It just builds and builds until you can't hide from it anymore and then it slaps you in the face hundreds of times over when you finally open your eyes.

I'll be honest - I'm tired. I've only been in this fight for a little over a decade and I'm damned exhausted. I don't understand how those who have had their eyes open - those who have lived decades upon decades completely woke on every level - do it day in and day out. Their strength and stamina is a miracle to me. One I am desperately trying to emulate in my own life. So I am struggling back up out of this funk and reawakening to reality.

This fight is hard. So. So. So. Hard. And I come from a place of privilege. A place where I don't have to expend most of my energy just to survive. And there is guilt that comes with that. Along with a sense of obligation. To fight harder. To fight for all those who can't. To fight for all those who will never have the chance.

So who is with me? Who is picking up the banner and pushing forward? Who is ready to do the real work, the real resistance? Because the revolution will not be easily attained. If we want a future for our children - one with clean water and a livable climate and affordable food - then we can't be complacent. We must stand up. We must speak out. We must resist. We must be inconvenient.


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