Hey, Kids...

(Disclaimer: I love lots of "old white people" and if you are one of those old white people who is working to make the world a better place, then my thanks to you; just know that you are in the minority. This post, however, is directed at (mostly) young people. And is about showing up. Or NOT showing up, as the case may be.)

My timeline is full of people in my generation and younger complaining about the state of the world. Complaining about the sexism. Complaining about the racism. Complaining about the fascism. Just generally complaining.

But you know what isn't full? Attendance at volunteer trainings. The Statehouse on advocacy days. The inboxes of our state legislators. Campaign offices. The freaking ballot boxes on election day.

You know who does occasionally show up? Who does make the decisions on actions and bills? Old (mostly white) people. Are you okay with old white people determining the future of our country and our world? Because that, my friends, is what's happening.

You want change? You want a better world. YOU HAVE TO SHOW UP. You have to work for it. Democracy is not a "sometimes" or "perhaps in the future" gig. It's an every day ideal that we have to strive toward. Do you want a world that isn't led by people like Donald Trump? Then you have to make it happen. Because, guess what? We didn't arrive here by chance. The election of the Great Buffoon would not have been possible without a solid foundation of apathy and denial. And a healthy dose of old white privilege.

I get it. Life is full of obligations. And friends. And drinks. And music. And. And. And. And I am tired. I am tired of showing up and no one else of my generation or younger being there. I am tired of seeing other activists post about lackluster turnout at events that matter. You went to the Women's March? Congrats. You're one of a few thousand. Now be the one that also shows up to do the actual work.

I don't write this with the intention of saying that every single person under the age of 40 is somehow sitting on their asses doing nothing, so please save the commentary about all that you are currently doing. If you are already involved in the work, then you have no reason to justify yourself to me. Thank you for your time and your service. Please carry on.

But for everyone else...wake up. Make time to participate. Read on to learn how...

Do you care about social justice issues? Below is a very small list of organizations doing the work. Pick one. (Or pick another that's not listed.) Contact them. Volunteer.

Indy10 Black Lives Matter
American Friends Service Committee
Indiana Youth Group
Indy Pride

Do you care about the environment and/or wild places and animals? Same thing. Pick one. Show up. Get involved.

Earth Charter Indiana
Hoosier Environmental Council
Sierra Club
Indiana Forest Alliance
The Humane Society of the United States

Do you care about something else? Great! Do you need some advice on where to start? Shoot me a line. I'm happy to help. I will give you tips on actions you can take or direct you to someone who can. Just please, for the love of all that is good on this Earth, DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL.


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